BWH Lupus Program Team

i. Front from L to R: Cameron Speyer, Paul Hoover, Paul Dellaripa, Cianna Leatherwood, Peter Schur, Susan Ritter, Laura Tarter, Sara Tedeschi, Corine Sinnette, Elena Massarotti
ii. Back from L to R: Courtnie Phillip, Nyla Brewster, Sarah Chen, Shreya Patel, Nicole Yang, Nancy Shadick, Karen Costenbader, Candace Feldman, Helena Jonsson, Deepak Rao, Selena Huang


Karen H. Costenbader, MD, MPH

Karen H. Costenbader, MD, MPH

Director, Lupus Program

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Karen Costenbader is a rheumatologist and epidemiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where she is Director of the BWH Lupus Program, the inaugural incumbent of the Michael E. Weinblatt, MD, Distinguished Chair in Clinical Rheumatology, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She specializes in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus and related connective tissue diseases.

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Dr. Costenbader received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School, a Master’s degree from Cambridge University in England, and a Master's in Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health. She completed her internal medicine internship and medical residency at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, as well as training in rheumatology at both the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Her clinical and translational research, investigates risk factors associated with the development of systemic lupus erythematosus and outcomes among those with lupus. In 2009, Dr. Costenbader received the inaugural Mary Betty Stevens, MD, Young Investigator Award from the Lupus Foundation of America, and, in 2011, the Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award from the American College of Rheumatology. She also was selected for the 2016 Edmund Dubois Memorial Lectureship on Lupus at the American College of Rheumatology, and the 2018 Ira Goldstein Memorial Award from New York University for excellence in rheumatology research. Dr. Costenbader is an Associate Editor for Arthritis and Rheumatology and the International Journal of Clinical Practice. She sits on several grant review committees and acts as a reviewer for multiple journals. She has served as a research mentor for over 30 past and current trainees. Dr. Costenbader is the current Chair of Medical-Scientific Advisory Council at Lupus Foundation of America.

Laura Tarter, MD

Laura Tarter, MD

Director, Pregnancy and Reproductive Health

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

As the majority of lupus patients are of child-bearing age, family planning and reproductive health are often affected by the disease. Lupus can complicate pregnancy and contraception choices. Dr. Tarter is an expert in both the care of lupus and in guiding people with lupus and their families though the sometimes-complicated decisions regarding reproductive health and pregnancy. She works closely with the renowned Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists at BWH.


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Elena Massarotti, MD

Elena Massarotti, MD

Director, Clinical Trials Program

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Elena Massarotti is a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where she is the Clinical Director of the BWH Lupus Center, and Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She specializes in the treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus and related connective tissue diseases. She received her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


Paul Dellaripa, MD

Paul Dellaripa, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Paul Dellaripa is Co-Director of the BWH Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Clinic. His areas of interest include pulmonary manifestations of rheumatic diseases and clinical trials in ILD in the rheumatic diseases.

Patricia Fraser, MD

Patricia Fraser, MD

BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Pat Fraser cares for patients with lupus and lupus-related diseases.  She has a particular interest in the epidemiology of lupus in different racial and ethnic groups, and also in  environmental risk factors for lupus.

Paul Hoover, MD, PhD

Paul Hoover, MD, PhD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Paul Hoover received his M.D. and Ph.D. from Stanford University School of Medicine, followed by medical residency and rheumatology fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. 

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He is drawn to systemic lupus and lupus kidney disease because of its complex medical presentation, disproportionate impact on minority patients, and dire need for new therapeutic targets. During his rheumatology training, Dr. Hoover began working with his research mentor, Dr. Nir Hacohen, at Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT. Dr. Hoover is applying leading edge technologies to identify new immune cells and understand which molecular pathways drive systemic and kidney disease for new drugs based on precision medicine.

Candace Feldman, MD, MPH, ScD

Candace Feldman, MD, MPH, ScD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Candace Feldman is a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Within the Lupus Center, she currently serves as the Director of Community Outreach and Patient Engagement. Clinically, she maintains a specific focus on the care of patients with lupus as well as patients with complex medical and social needs. Her NIH-funded research focuses on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic health disparities in rheumatic diseases and intervention design to reduce disparities in avoidable outcomes.

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Dr. Feldman received her MD from the Yale School of Medicine, her MPH from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and her ScD in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She completed both her residency and fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
Deepak Rao, MD, PhD

Deepak Rao, MD, PhD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Deepak Rao is an Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and co-Director of the BWH Human Immunology Center. His research focuses on understanding the immune cells that cause inflammation in lupus and rheumatoid arthritis using cutting-edge technologies such as CyTOF and RNA sequencing.

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His recent work, published in the journal Nature, revealed a new T cell population that is expanded in the joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and in the blood of patients with lupus. He has received the Hearst Young Investigator Award from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Distinguished Fellow Award from the American College of Rheumatology. His overall goal is to develop new methods to shut off the damaging immune response that underlies lupus and other autoimmune diseases.
Nancy Shadick, MD

Nancy Shadick, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile
BRASS Study 

Dr. Nancy Shadick is an Associate Professor of Medicine and the Director of Translational Research Development in the Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy and co-founder and principal investigator of the BRASS study, one of the largest single center cohorts of RA in the nation.

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Her experience is with leading and conducting research in RA cohort studies and RA outcomes, and biomarker studies. As a clinical researcher and epidemiologist, she has published over 90 articles on RA clinical and genetic outcomes and other rheumatic diseases. Dr. Shadick also runs the patient-centered outcomes initiative in the Orthpaedic and Arthritis Center at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and has spent years working with patients through BRASS, facilitating their involvement with research and has developed extensive contacts in the rheumatic disease community with patients and their representatives to bring relevant parties together for research engagement.
Nicole Smith, MD

Nicole Smith, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Nicole Smith is a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where she is the Clinical Director of the Maternal Fetal Medicine practice, and an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Harvard Medical School.

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She specializes in high risk pregnancy care, particularly for women with lupus and other autoimmune or rheumatologic conditions. Pregnancy can be a difficult time; she aims to provide family-centered care, optimizing outcomes for mothers and babies.

Ruth Ann Vleugels, MD

Ruth Ann Vleugels, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Ruth Ann Vleugels, serves as Director of the Autoimmune Skin Disease Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Co-Director of the Rheumatology-Dermatology Clinic at Boston Children’s Hospital.

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Her clinical research, which focuses on rare autoimmune skin diseases and emerging medical therapies, has been supported by a Medical Dermatology Career Development Award from the Dermatology Foundation. Dr. Vleugels developed and serves as the Program Director of the Brigham and Women’s Dermatology-Rheumatology Fellowship, which is the only formal training opportunity of its kind nationwide, and is the Vice Chair of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Dermatology. She is passionate about teaching and medical education and has received numerous teaching and mentoring awards from both Harvard Medical School and Harvard Dermatology.


Mary-Beth Son, MD

Mary-Beth Son, MD

Children’s Hospital Physician Profile

Dr. Mary-Beth Son attended the University of Massachusetts Medical School and completed internship, residency and chief residency in pediatrics at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH). She then completed a fellowship in pediatric rheumatology at BCH.

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She is the Director of Pediatric Rheumatology at BCH, where she purses clinical research and provides clinical care on the outpatient and inpatient services. Her research interests comprise outcomes in pediatric rheumatic disease, including childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. She collaborates with physicians in the Lupus Center to study the transition of care between pediatric and adult providers of patients with lupus.
Joyce Chang, MD, MSCE

Joyce Chang, MD, MSCE

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BCH Physician Profile

Dr. Joyce Chang is a pediatric rheumatologist at Boston Children’s Hospital, where she currently serves as Director of Research for the BCH Lupus Program.

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Her clinical and research focus is in improving long-term outcomes of childhood-onset lupus, including cardiovascular disease and transition to adult care.


Gearoid McMahon, MB BCh FASN

Gearoid McMahon, MB BCh FASN

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

I am a Nephrologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and a member of the faculty of Medicine at Harvard Medical School.

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My research areas of interest include the epidemiology of chronic kidney disease, investigating novel biomarkers of kidney disease and improving the quality of care in patients with kidney disease.. I am on the editorial board of the ASN’s Kidney Disease Self-Assessment Program and I am co-director of both the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Intensive Review of Nephrology course and the Harvard/MIT Health Science Technology Renal Course. I am director of ambulatory services in the Renal Division of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.



Brittany Weber, MD, PhD

Brittany Weber, MD, PhD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Brittany Weber is an advanced cardiovascular fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She completed her M.D. and her Ph.D. in immunology at the University of Pennsylvania and then trained in internal medicine and cardiology at BWH, where she served as chief medical resident.

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  Her clinical and scientific interests lay at the intersection of her two passions -immunology and cardiology. Here, she specializes in cardio-rheumatology, focusing on the role systemic inflammation plays in vascular health, cardiac structure and function. She is interested in the relationship between the systemic inflammation in lupus and increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and what can be done to lower the risk of heart disease. In her free time, she loves to spend time with her family, travel, and be outdoors!
Rosemary Reiss, MD

Rosemary Reiss, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Rosemary Reiss is a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School.

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After residency at Yale, she completed a fellowship at the Ohio State University, and joined their MFM faculty before moving to Boston in 2000. She currently is co-director of Obstetric Ultrasound at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Because of their implications for both mother and fetus, maternal autoimmune disorders have long been a clinical and research interest. Her research investigations have included the use of Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of placental insufficiency, particularly in patients with renal disease or lupus. Dr. Reiss has long enjoyed collaborating clinically with rheumatologists and nephrologists in caring for women with lupus, to provide preconception assessment and optimal prenatal and intrapartum care.
Emily Robinson, MD

Emily Robinson, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Emily Robinson is a clinical nephrologist at BWH and serves as the Director of Community Nephrology. 

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She received her MD from University of Connecticut School of Medicine, did her internal medicine residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, followed by a nephrology fellowship in the Brigham and Womens’/Mass General Hospital program as well as an MPH at Harvard School of Public Health.Dr. Robinson currently sees patients in Boston, Foxboro, and Chestnut Hill. She has a strong interest in improving patient care by collaboration with other specialists, including co-management of lupus patients with rheumatology and other involved subspecialties.  She is also interested in patients transitioning care from pediatric to adult specialists.


Angela Gupta, MD

Angela Gupta, MD

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Angela Gupta is a rheumatologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She completed her rheumatology fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. 

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Dr. Gupta has a clinical interest in the care of complex patients with lupus, in particular navigating lupus during high-risk pregnancies. She also hopes to provide preventative care for her patients, so they can avoid long-term sequela of renal and cardiac disease. Lupus is a challenging disease to navigate, and Dr. Gupta aims to educate and empower her patients as much as possible.


May Choi, MD

May Choi, MD

Dr. May Choi is a rheumatologist from Alberta, Canada. She is working with Dr. Karen Costenbader for the next two years coordinating an international study on how certain lupus specific lab tests correlate with patient outcomes over time.

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She is also researching how these markers can inform disease activity and understandings of disease progression through-out a patient’s lifetime. Dr. Choi is here under the support of the Gary S. Gilkeson Career Development Award from the Lupus Foundation of America. While in Boston she is also pursuing a master’s degree in Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She is very excited that Boston is warmer than Canada, even in the dead of winter and is looking forward to exploring the Boston food scene.
Siobhan Case, MD, MHS

Siobhan Case, MD, MHS

Dr. Siobhan Case got her medical degree and masters of health science from the Yale School of Medicine before coming to train at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital. She completed residency in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, and is now doing a combined Med-Peds Rheumatology fellowship.  She hopes to provide care for patients with autoimmune diseases like lupus as they transition from pediatric to adult care.

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Her research with mentors including Dr. Karen Costenbader, Dr. Candace Feldman, Dr. Mary Beth Son, and Dr. Peter Nigrovic is aimed at improving care for patients with childhood-onset rheumatologic disease.
Alice Horisberger, MD

Alice Horisberger, MD

Dr. Alice Horisberger completed her residency in Internal Medicine followed by a fellowship in Allergy and Immunology in Lausanne, Switzerland. During her training, she developed a keen interest in autoimmune diseases especially lupus.

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She has joined Dr. Rao’s lab as a research fellow and works in close collaboration with Dr. Costenbader in order to study the immune cells that drive autoimmunity and to identify early biomarkers of systemic lupus.
Yumeko Kawano, MD

Yumeko Kawano, MD

Dr. Yumeko Kawano completed her residency in internal medicine at Stanford and is currently a rheumatology fellow at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

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She cares for patients with a variety of systemic autoimmune diseases including lupus. She has particular interests in reproductive health issues as well as cardiovascular disease in lupus patients.
Jeong Yee, PharmD, PhD

Jeong Yee, PharmD, PhD

Dr. Jeong Yee is a research fellow for the Lupus Center working with Dr. Karen Costenbader. She completed her PharmD and PhD at Ewha Womans University, South Korea. Her research interests include identifying clinical and genetic risk factors for rheumatic diseases and developing precision medicine strategies with a specific focus on systemic lupus erythematosus.

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Research Staff

Emily Oakes

Emily Oakes

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Emily is a senior research assistant for the Lupus Center working under the direction of Dr. Karen Costenbader. She graduated from Brown University in May of 2021. There, she received a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health and English.

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Emily is originally from Boxford, Massachusetts. In her free time, she enjoys yoga and reading.

Norioscar (Nori) Cabello

Norioscar (Nori) Cabello

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Nori is a Clinical Research Coordinator working under Dr. Costenbader. She identifies as a Latina with a physical disability. Nori obtained her BS in Psychology from UMass Boston and minored in Latino studies. In 2021, she joined MGB as an RA for the AllofUs Research program while being a grad student at Northeastern. In 2024, Nori obtained her MPH with a focus in Urban Health.

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Nori has worked within research since undergrad as well as a McNair Research scholar. Throughout her research journey, she has done work with Participatory Action Research studies, public policy research, and most recently genetic health research. Nori’s research interest is mainly in preventative care through a social and environmental lens for communities. Nori loves going out to try new food, is an avid gamer, and loves spending time with her family.

Becky Summit

Becky Summit

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Becky is a research assistant working with Dr. Candace Feldman. She first joined the research staff as a part-time employee in February of 2022 while she finished up her senior year at Boston University, then joined as a full-time employee in July of 2022. Becky works primarily on a project screening and addressing Social Determinants of Health-related needs in Rheumatology patients across Mass General and Brigham and Women’s.

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Becky came to Boston from Portland, Oregon to attend Boston University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Neuroscience in May of 2022 and decided to stay in this beautiful city after college. Outside of work, Becky loves to read, write, run and explore Boston. She also participates in a club Quidditch team, continuing the Harry Potter-inspired sport she began in college.

Heather Roland

Heather Roland

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Heather is a clinical research coordinator working under the direction of Dr. Deepak Rao. She graduated May 2024 from the University of Notre Dame with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and completed minors in Compassionate Care in Medicine and Anthropology. Heather joined BWH July 2024 and works in both clinical and laboratory settings managing patient recruitment, completing IRB related tasks, and processing samples.

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Heather is originally from Lancaster, PA and has lived in Cape May, NJ before moving to Boston. She is an avid football fan and spends her free time volunteering, cooking, and reading. 

Alumni and Interns

Greta Sirek (2024)

Greta Sirek (2024)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

At the Lupus Center, Greta works with Dr. Candace Feldman on projects that aim to reduce health inequities within the field of Rheumatology. Greta is originally from St. Paul, Minnesota, and graduated from Middlebury College in 2022.

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At Middlebury, Greta studied Neuroscience with a minor in Global Health and ran for the Middlebury Cross-Country and Track & Field Team. In her free time, she enjoys running, reading, Nordic skiing, and watching sitcoms. 

Ifeoluwakiisi Adejoorin (2024)

Ifeoluwakiisi Adejoorin (2024)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Ifeoluwakiisi joined the Lupus Center as a research assistant under Dr Deepak Rao in May 2021 and supports projects related to lupus and other auto immune diseases. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Howard University in 2021.


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Ifeoluwakiisi is from Osun and Lagos states, Nigeria. She also works on several projects as a technical research assistant in the Rao lab such as cytotoxicity assays and immunophenotyping of patient samples. In her free time, she watches movies and shows.
Eilish Dillon (2024)

Eilish Dillon (2024)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Eilish Dillon graduated from University of Massachusetts Boston in Spring 2022 with a degree in biology. She is a research assistant in Deepak Rao’s lab and manages patient recruitment, IRB related tasks, and sample processing.

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Eilish is originally from Yarmouth, Massachusetts. In her free time, she likes to play golf!
Julia Caldropoli (2024)

Julia Caldropoli (2024)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Julia is a research assistant for the Lupus Center working with Dr. Karen Costenbader. She graduated from Cornell University in 2023 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology.

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Julia is originally from Tarrytown, New York. In her free time, she enjoys drawing and crocheting.
Jacob J.E. Koopman, MD, PhD (2024)

Jacob J.E. Koopman, MD, PhD (2024)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Jacob (Bart) Koopman was a research fellow in 2023-2024 for the Lupus Center working with Dr. Karen Costenbader. He completed his degrees at Leiden University Medical Center and Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands. He currently works as a clinical immunologist at University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands.


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Peter Schur, MD

Peter Schur, MD

Director Emeritus

Harvard Catalyst Profile
BWH Physician Profile

Dr. Peter Schur, Director Emeritus, is an integral, member of the BWH Rheumatology Department and the founding director of the BWH Lupus Center. He is also an internationally recognized leader in lupus research and care. Born in Vienna, Austria, his family immigrated to the US in 1939.

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He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Medical School. He received further medical training at the Bronx Municipal Hospital in New York, Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington DC, and the Rockefeller University, in New York, in the laboratory of the renowned immunologist, Dr. Henry Kunkel. Recruited to BWH in 1967, Dr. Schur quickly rose to Professor of Medicine in 1978. He made groundbreaking discoveries on the role of complement and anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies in systemic lupus, and in the care of lupus patients. He has published more than 300 journal articles, chapters, reviews, and editorials. Dr. Schur has also served as BWH Director of the Clinical Immunology Lab since 1980, as President of the New England Rheumatism Association, Chief Editor of the primary journal of rheumatology, Arthritis and Rheumatism, rheumatology editor of UpToDate (a physician education resource), and on the Board of Directors of the Lupus Foundation of New England and Lupus Foundation of America. He has led several HMS courses and been involved as a clinical educator for many years. In addition to all of this, he has maintained a large clinical practice. In 2016, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) Division of Rheumatology, Immunology and Allergy hosted the Peter H. Schur Symposium highlighting progress made in lupus research over the past 50 years.
Jack Ellrodt (2023)

Jack Ellrodt (2023)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Jack is a senior research assistant under Dr. Costenbader and rejoined the Lupus Center after he worked as a summer intern in 2019. He currently maintains the BWH Lupus Registry, Lupus Center community outreach initiatives, and coordinates several ongoing research projects related to lupus and autoimmune disease.

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Originally from Western Massachusetts, he graduated from Williams College in the Spring of 2020 where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Formerly the captain of the Williams Crew Team, Jack now spends his weekends doing ultra-endurance cycling events, hiking, and exploring the city.
Lin Chen (2022)

Lin Chen (2022)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Lin joined the Lupus Center team in August 2020 and coordinates projects that focus on improving lupus diagnosis and treatment. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Cell and Molecular Biology from Boston University in 2020.

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Originally from Southern Massachusetts, Lin enjoys reading, walking along the Charles River, and watching mystery shows in her free time.

Sciaska Ulysse (2023)

Sciaska Ulysse (2023)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Sciaska Ulysse is from Roselle, New Jersey, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2021. There she studied Neuroscience with two minors in Healthcare Management and Chemistry.

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At the Lupus Center, she works with Dr. Candace Feldman on various projects that work to attenuate disparities within the field of Rheumatology and inequities in care experienced by minorities. In her free time, she can be found trying out new places to eat, working out at the gym, or learning more about the world around her.
Jessica Williams, MD, MPH

Jessica Williams, MD, MPH

Dr. Jessica Williams received her medical degree and master of public health degree from Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She is passionate about the care of patients with systemic autoimmune diseases such as lupus.

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Under the mentorship of Dr. Karen Constenbader, Dr. Shamik Bhattacharyya, and Dr. Candace Feldman, Dr. Williams is investigating environmental risk factors for lupus, neurologic manifestations of lupus, and how to increase African-American patient participation in lupus clinical trials. She hopes that the findings of these studies will improve the lives of patients living with lupus.
Emma Stevens (2021)

Emma Stevens (2021)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Originally from Napa California, Emma graduated from Bowdoin College in May. There she played Softball,and studied the effects of Ocean Acidification on coastal communities.

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On the weekends she can be found outdoors; going on hikes, swimming, or attempting to improve her golf game with her grandfather who is a retired Brigham rheumatologist.  Emma is a research assistant for the Lupus Center and works on a variety of clinical and quality improvement projects. 
Kreager Taber (2021)

Kreager Taber (2021)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Kreager Taber is originally from Raleigh, North Carolina, and graduated from Middlebury College in 2019. There she studied Neuroscience with a minor in Global Health, and also pole vaulted for Middlebury’s Track and Field Team.

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She works on a variety of clinical improvement projects aimed at preventing missed and delayed diagnoses of cancer, and also on several projects studying health disparities and lupus. In her free time, she can be found surfing, pole vaulting, skiing, or playing trivia..
Emily Sanchez (2022)

Emily Sanchez (2022)

Lupus Center Intern

Emily is a Research Intern at the Lupus Center working under Dr. Karen Costenbader. She is currently a senior at Harvard College studying Integrative Biology and Global Health and Health Policy. Emily intends to write a senior thesis relating to the development of lupus and disparities in diagnostic care for minority patients with lupus.

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. Originally from Boulder, Colorado, Emily enjoys running, biking, and hiking in her free time.
Danielle Moreno (2023)

Danielle Moreno (2023)

Lupus Center Research Manager

Danielle is a rising senior at Northwestern University studying Neuroscience and Global Health. She is working under Dr. Karen Costenbader as a research trainee for the summer of 2023. Her individual project focuses on Neuropsychiatric Lupus prevalence at Mass General Brigham.


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Originally from Arlington, Virginia, Danielle is a member of a Latinx dance team at her college and likes to draw in her free time! 
Corine Sinnette (2019)

Corine Sinnette (2019)

Lupus Center Research Manager

Corine Sinnette joined the Lupus Center in May 2016. She has dual Master’s degrees in Medical Anthropology and Public Health from Case Western Reserve University, and has worked in both clinical and community research settings in different research roles.

Simran Sahni (2018)

Simran Sahni (2018)

Smith College. Biological Sciences. Class of 2019

Courtnie Phillip (2019)

Courtnie Phillip (2019)

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Courtnie Phillip is a native New Yorker, who graduated from Tufts University in 2017. There she studied International Relations with a concentration in Global Health, Nutrition and the Environment.

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She is interested in studying the social and cultural factors that influence disparities in healthcare, and currently works Dr. Feldman on several projects focused on lupus and health disparities. In her free time she likes to paint, dance, and spend time in the outdoors.
Cameron Speyer  (2019)

Cameron Speyer (2019)

Research Assistant

Cami joined the Lupus Center team in June 2017. She grew up in Santa Monica, California, came out east for undergrad, and never left! Cami graduated from Williams College (’17) where she double majored in Biology and History. She worked for Dr. Costenbader studying lupus risk factors, severity and outcomes.

Adel Andemeskel  (2016)

Adel Andemeskel (2016)

Stanford University. Biology. Class of 2017

Nyla Brewster (2017)

Nyla Brewster (2017)

Fontbonne Academy. Harvard College. Undecided. Expected year of graduation is 2022.

Greg Keras

Greg Keras

Lupus Center Research Assistant

Greg Keras is a research assistant for the Lupus Center who helps manage and recruit subjects for various studies. He graduated from Salve Regina University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Biology.

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Mr. Keras grew up in Massachusetts and is passionate about making our communities better through research and engagement..

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