Lupus center
News and updates
Latest updates from the Lupus Center

Thank you!
First and foremost, a big thank you to our patient advisory board for all your effort improving the patient experience at the Lupus Center. Your work with our providers to identify and address important issues in the care of lupus patients is integral to our success.
*New Study Opportunity*: Community Action for REsilience against Lupus (CARE Lupus)
We are looking for your help to let your family members know about research opportunity. We are
trying to figure out how to prevent lupus in the future! We are conducting a study to look at lupus
risk factors in currently unaffected people who have first degree relatives diagnosed with lupus. The
study will involve completing surveys on family and medical history, lifestyle, and activities. The study is
observational and will not interfere at all with your medical care.
People who are first degree relatives (e.g. sister, daughter, or mother) of people living with lupus, were
assigned female sex at birth, and are between 18 and 49 years old are eligible. We are inviting them
complete surveys to participate in the study. All participants will receive a $25 reimbursement for
completion of the study.
If you have a close family member who is eligible, please share the attached advertisement with them.
They can sign up by completing the screening questionnaire in English or Spanish. Thank you so much for your interest and help!
With questions, comments, or to learn more, please contact Emily Oakes at
or Nori Cabello
“Lupus & You”: AnEmpowerment Conference
In September, we held an Empowerment Conference called “Lupus & You,” co-hosted by the BWH Lupus Center and the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA) at BWH. This free event featured a keynote presentation by BWH Lupus Director Dr. Karen Costenbader, a physician panel of our very own BWH Physicians (Drs. Laura Tarter, Paul Hoover, Maura Iversen, Erin Theisen, and Matthew Baum), a patient support panel composed of patients and caregivers, and a wellness activity, all with the goal of providing people living with lupus the opportunity to get updated information from healthcare experts and make meaningful connections with other local individuals. Thank you to our organizers and attendees for making the event a huge success! Slides from the keynote presentation can be found here.
BWH Feature in the Bay State Banner
Thank you to the Bay State Banner for their special edition of Be Healthy, Lupus: The Great Imitator, and for their feature of our own BWH Lupus Center physicians, Dr. Karen Constenbader, Dr. Laura Tarter, and Dr. Brittany Weber. To read the magazine, please use this link.
LFA 2022 Walk to End Lupus Now, Boston
Thank you for joining us on October 15th at the Lupus Foundation of America’s Walk to End Lupus Now. With our community of patients, friends, families, physicians, and research assistants, the Lupus Foundation of America raised nearly $130,000 and counting for the in-person walk around the Boston Commons! If you were unable to attend, please feel free to continue to donate or join us virtually for the national walk on November 17th. Contact Michele Insley,, for more details.
Spring Community Lupus Forum
The Brigham and Women’s Lupus Center’s Spring Lupus Forum was a tremendous success! This annual community forum was proudly sponsored by the Lupus Foundation of America and Sportsmen’s Tennis and Enrichment Center, and took place virtually on Zoom on Saturday, June 11th. Lupus patients, family, and caregivers attended and heard from our Lupus Center physicians and invited speakers on important topics in lupus such as new medications and trials, cardiovascular disease, and navigating life with lupus. Please feel free to visit to recorded forum at the link below.
Meeting Recording Link:
GLADEL (Grupo Latino Americano De Estudio De Lupus – Latin American Lupus Study Group)
New web site:
The essential news is that it is now available in three languages, Spanish, Portuguese and English. The publications produced by the group have been updated and will continue to be so. An Education program for general physicians and rheumatologists is in the pipeline.
The part related to patients has now been extensively renewed and shows the program: “Let’sTalk about Lupus” / “Hablemos de Lupus” / “Falando de Lupus” both in Spanish and Portuguese which has been prepared by Emory University and GLADEL and endorsed by PANLAR, and has already had over 52 million hits. Finally, the new page has a repository of much of the material presented at the “10th International Congress on SLE”, 2013 in Buenos Aires which is available for download (videos of conferences, slides of presentations, etc.). Many of you participated! A lot of the information is still current.
The Lupus Patient Assistance Fund
To help aid those affected by lupus, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, through the help of generous donors, have established the Patient Assistance Support Fund for Lupus. This fund looks to help Lupus patients receive the care they need and ensure that medications and hospital visits are not an additional burden to these patients or their families. The fund provides aid in a myriad of forms including subsidized medications, transportation to and from appointments, and aid to patients so they can afford necessary therapies and treatments. The generosity of our donors combined with the clinical efforts of our outstanding providers and researchers helps improve the lives of those living with lupus. We invite you to join our team at The Patient Assistance Support Fund for Lupus and support these patients and their families in any way you can.
Lupus Support Group
Lupus Lights New England is a peer-led support group for patients and families/caregivers impacted by lupus. Sponsored by the Lupus Foundation of America and supported by BWH Lupus Center, this group offers a relaxed way to connect with others dealing with this autoimmune disease. Meetings are typically held virtually on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Please click here for more information on upcoming meetings and registration.
To learn more about the group please email or follow us @LupusLightsNE
Keep an eye out for our Spring/Summer newsletter coming soon!
More Resources
Please feel free to check our community tab at the top of the page for more information on resources available to lupus patients
Reaching Out
Do not hesitate to reach out and contact us if you have any questions or comments about our page!