Featured Research Projects

Active Studies

CAR-T Cell Clinical Trial 

We are conducting a trial to assess the safety and efficacy of an investigational cell therapy, CABA-201, for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) with or without lupus nephritis (kidney involvement)

This treatment consists of using patient’s own cells that are reengineered to treat lupus by targeting the B cells that may be causing the disease. Participants will be given a single dose of CABA-201 in the hospital and followed in the outpatient setting. We are recruiting patients who are 18-65 years old and who have a clinical diagnosis of SLE and lupus activity despite treatment. For more information, please visit: https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06121297.

 To speak with someone from our team, please reach out to Rita Gyurko (rgyurko1@bwh.harvard.edu; 617-278-6903)




SLATE: Systemic Lupus Associated Tcell Effects

We are conducting a longitudinal study (24 months) to understand the treatment of Lupus among those who have been newly diagnosed with the disease.

Participants must meet American College of Rheumatology criteria for lupus and be diagnosed in the last 12 months without starting immunosuppressive treatment. We are also recruiting patients with established lupus (>1 year since diagnosis) to compare our results between early and longstanding disease. Participants will be asked to complete survey questionnaires and provide blood samples over the course of 3-5 study visits. Parking or transportation vouchers may be provided. Study visits can occur at Orthopedic and Arthritis Center (BWH Main Campus,) Faulkner Hospital or at the Rheumatology clinic at 850 Boylston Street for convenience.

For more information about this study, please contact Eilish Dillon edillon2@bwh.harvard.edu

Funded by: Lupus Research Alliance, NIH-NIAID National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

PRELIMS: Pre-Lupus Immune Signature Study

We are currently recruiting for an observational study of patients who may develop lupus, but do not currently have a diagnosis.

Pre-Lupus Immune Signature (PRELIMS) is a study sponsored by the US Department of Defense being conducted for patients who have some manifestations of lupus, but the diagnosis remains uncertain,
and are not receiving immunosuppressive medications. This study involves blood collection and questionnaire data for up to two years. If this applies to you and you are interested in participating, please contact Alice Horisberger at (617) 525-1105 or go directly to this link
to inform us when to call you to inform you more about our study.



Physical and Mental Health and Medication Use among Patients with Lupus (Closed to Enrollment)

We are conducting a research study funded by the Rheumatology Research Foundation to understand changes in mental and physical health and medication use among patients with lupus over 6-8 months.

We are looking for participants who have been diagnosed with lupus and are currently taking a lupus medication. Participants will complete a total of 3 sets of surveys either online or at the time of your rheumatology appointment. Participants will receive either a parking or cafeteria voucher for each completed set of surveys.

For more information about this study, please contact Emily Oakes at eoakes@bwh.harvard.edu.

CALM: Assessing Cardiovascular Risk among Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Closed to Enrollment)

This is an observational research study examining cardiovascular risk factors over 6-8 months among patients who have been diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Participants must have active lupus disease at time of consent and must not have any known cardiac disease affecting physical activity or have any heart-related symptoms present even at rest. Participants will complete survey questionnaires, provide blood samples and have heart imaging over the course of up to 5 study visits.

Participants will receive up to $200 for study participation and costs of transportation or parking will be covered. Study visits will occur in the BWH Lupus Center and the BWH Shapiro Cardiovascular Center, at the BWH Main Campus.

For more information about this study, please contact Emily Oakes at eoakes@bwh.harvard.edu.